2012 (November):Connecting Partial Words and Regular Languages, Turku University, Turku, (Finland)
2012 (November):Lexicographical Cross-Sections of the Plactic Monoid, Kiel University (Germany)
2012 (January):Plactic Monoid Cross-Sections, Kyoto Sangyo University (Japan)
2011 (December):Pseudorepetitions in Words, Kyoto Sangyo University (Japan)
2010 (June):Avoidable Patterns in Partial Words, Otto-von-Guericke-University of Magdeburg (Germany)
2009 (June):Counting Squares in Partial Words, University of North Carolina at Greensboro (USA)
2009 (June):Abelian Squares in Partial Words, University of North Carolina at Greensboro (USA)
2008 (June):Squares in Partial Words, University of North Carolina at Greensboro (USA)
2008 (June):Freeness of Partial Words, University of North Carolina at Greensboro (USA)
2007 (September):Repetitions in Partial Words, Rovira i Virgili University (Spain)
2007 (June):Cube Freeness in Partial Words, University of North Carolina at Greensboro (USA)
Funding bodies: Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (UK), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (Canada), Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (Belgium), Agence nationale de la recherche (France)
PhD Thesis: Markus Whiteland, Marie Lejeune, Szymon Łopaciuk
Journals: Acta Cybernetica; Algorithms; Electronics Journal of Combinatorics; Fundamenta Informaticae; Information and Computation; International Journal of Computer Mathematics; International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science; Information Processing Letters; Journal of Automata, Languages, and Combinatorics; Journal of Discrete Algorithms; Journal of Discrete Mathematics; Romanian Journal of Information, Science and Technology; Theoretical Computer Science. Scientific Annals of Computer Science.
Conferences: Automata and Formal Languages (AFL); Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM); Developments in Language Theory (DLT); Fundamentals of Computation Theory (FCT); International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART); International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA); Mons Days of Theoretical Computer Science (Journées Montoises); Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications (NCMA); Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS); Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE); Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS); Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC); Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS); Unconventional Computation & Natural Computation (UCNC); Conference on Words (WORDS).